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The SceneFun3D dataset

The SceneFun3D dataset aims to catalyze research towards understanding functionalities and affodances in 3D environments. To this end, it provides fine-grained functional interaction annotations in high-fidelity reconstructions of real-world indoor spaces.


The dataset contains three categories of annotations aiming to encourage research on the following questions:

  • Where are the functionalities located in 3D indoor environments and what actions they afford?
  • What purpose do the functionalities serve in the scene context?
  • How to interact with the functional elements?

Functional interactive elements

SceneFun3D contains annotations of functional interactive elements (e.g., knobs, handles, buttons) which comprise a 3D instance mask on the high-resolution 3D geometry reconstruction followed by an affordance label that described the action that the element affords.

Natural language task descriptions

Beyond localizing the functionalities, it is crucial to understand the purpose that they serve in the scene context for task-oriented scene interactions. The dataset provides diverse, free-form language descriptions of tasks that involve interacting with the annotated functionalities, which require common sense and multi-hop reasoning to interpret and handle effectively.


Additionally, the dataset provides motion annotations required to manipulate the interactive elements.

3D indoor environments

SceneFun3D builds upon the ARKitScenes dataset, which offers a large-scale set of indoor scenes captured with a professional stationary Faro laser scanner and a commodity iPad device. To enhance its usability for 3D scene understanding applications, we perform the following improvements and provide the related assets:

  • Faro-ARKit coordinate system transformation
  • Accurate COLMAP-estimated camera poses synced with the iPad video frames and Faro-rendered depth maps
  • Increased number of registered high-resolution iPad RGB frames in the Faro coordinate system
  • Easy-to-use data parser
