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Here, we provide the documentation for the visualization helpers.

viz_3d(to_plot_list, viz_tool='pyviz3d')

Visualize 3D point clouds.

This function takes a list of 3D geometries (e.g., point clouds) and visualizes them using Open3D's visualization tools. An optional coordinate system can be displayed for reference.


Name Type Description Default
to_plot_list list of open3d.geometry.PointCloud

A list of Open3D point cloud geometry objects to be visualized.



Type Description

This function does not return any value. It opens a visualizer window displaying the geometries.


import open3d as o3d

pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()

pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.random.rand(100, 3))


Source code in scenefun3d/utils/
def viz_3d(to_plot_list, viz_tool="pyviz3d"):
    Visualize 3D point clouds.

    This function takes a list of 3D geometries (e.g., point clouds) and visualizes them using Open3D's visualization tools.
    An optional coordinate system can be displayed for reference.

        to_plot_list (list of open3d.geometry.PointCloud): A list of Open3D point cloud geometry objects to be visualized.

        (None): This function does not return any value. It opens a visualizer window displaying the geometries.

        >>> import open3d as o3d

        >>> pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()

        >>> pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.random.rand(100, 3))

        >>> viz_3d([pcd])
    if viz_tool not in VIZ_TOOL_OPTIONS:
        assert False, f"Unknown viz tool option {viz_tool}. Visualization tool option must only be 'open3d' or 'pyviz3d'."

    if viz_tool == "pyviz3d":
        v = viz.Visualizer()
        for i, plot_list_item in enumerate(to_plot_list):
            pcd = copy.deepcopy(plot_list_item)

            if not pcd.has_normals():
                pcd = pc_estimate_normals(pcd, radius = 0.1, max_nn = 50)

            pcd_points = np.array(pcd.points) 
            pcd_points -= np.mean(pcd_points, axis=0)
            pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcd_points)

            v.add_points(f'element_{i}', np.array(pcd.points), np.array(pcd.colors)*255., np.array(pcd.normals), point_size=8, visible=True)'pyviz3d_output')

viz_masks(laser_scan_pcd, mask_indices, mask_labels=None, use_normals=True, viz_tool='pyviz3d')

Visualize point cloud masks.


Name Type Description Default
laser_scan_pcd PointCloud

The original point cloud to be visualized.

mask_indices list of lists of int or list of np.array of int

A list where each element is a list (or a np.array) of indices representing a mask in the point cloud.

mask_labels list of str

Labels for each mask to be used with Pyviz3D. Must be the same length as mask_indices. Default is None.

use_normals bool

Whether to use normals in the visualization. If True and the point cloud does not have normals, they will be estimated. Default is True.

viz_tool str

The visualization tool to use, either 'pyviz3d' or 'open3d'. Default is 'pyviz3d'.



Type Description

The function visualizes the point cloud masks and does not return any value.

Source code in scenefun3d/utils/
def viz_masks(laser_scan_pcd, mask_indices, mask_labels = None, use_normals=True, viz_tool="pyviz3d"):
    Visualize point cloud masks.

        laser_scan_pcd (open3d.geometry.PointCloud): The original point cloud to be visualized.
        mask_indices (list of lists of int or list of np.array of int): A list where each element is a list (or a np.array) of indices representing a mask in the point cloud.
        mask_labels (list of str, optional): Labels for each mask to be used with Pyviz3D. Must be the same length as mask_indices. Default is None.
        use_normals (bool, optional): Whether to use normals in the visualization. If True and the point cloud does not have normals, they will be estimated. Default is True.
        viz_tool (str, optional): The visualization tool to use, either 'pyviz3d' or 'open3d'. Default is 'pyviz3d'.

        (None): The function visualizes the point cloud masks and does not return any value.
    if viz_tool not in VIZ_TOOL_OPTIONS:
        assert False, f"Unknown viz tool option {viz_tool}. Visualization tool option must only be 'open3d' or 'pyviz3d'."

    if mask_labels is not None and viz_tool == "open3d":
        assert False, f"The mask_labels input is only supported for the visualization option 'pyviz3d'"

    if mask_labels is not None:
        assert len(mask_indices) == len(mask_labels), f"The length of mask_labels must be equal to the length of mask_indices. Each label must correspond to a single mask."

    pcd = copy.deepcopy(laser_scan_pcd)
    if not pcd.has_normals() and use_normals:
        pcd = pc_estimate_normals(pcd, radius = 0.1, max_nn = 50)

    # center the point cloud
    pcd_points = np.array(pcd.points) 
    pcd_points -= np.mean(pcd_points, axis=0)
    pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcd_points)

    if viz_tool == "pyviz3d":
        assert use_normals, f"use_normals must be set to True if the visualization tool option is 'pyviz3d'."
        v = viz.Visualizer()
        v.add_points('RGB Color', np.array(pcd.points), np.array(pcd.colors)*255., np.array(pcd.normals), point_size=8, visible=False)

    pcd_colors = np.array(pcd.colors) 
    new_pcd_colors = np.ones((pcd_colors.shape))*0+ (0.77, 0.77, 0.77)

    if viz_tool == "pyviz3d":
        v.add_points('Background Color', np.array(pcd.points), new_pcd_colors*255., np.array(pcd.normals), point_size=8, visible=True)

    COLOR_MAP = list(SCANNET_COLOR_MAP_200.values())

    for annot_i, mask_idx in enumerate(mask_indices):
        cur_color = COLOR_MAP[annot_i % len(COLOR_MAP)]

        new_pcd_colors[mask_idx] = cur_color 
        new_pcd_colors[mask_idx] /= 255.

        if viz_tool == "pyviz3d":
            mask_points = np.array(pcd.points)[mask_idx]
            mask_colors = new_pcd_colors[mask_idx]
            mask_normals = np.array(pcd.normals)[mask_idx]

            if mask_labels is not None:
                cur_label = f"{mask_labels[annot_i]}_{annot_i}"
                cur_label = f"label_{annot_i}"

            if "exclude" in cur_label:
                v.add_points(cur_label, mask_points, mask_colors*255., mask_normals, point_size=8, visible=False)
                v.add_points(cur_label, mask_points, mask_colors*255., mask_normals, point_size=8, visible=True)

    if viz_tool == "pyviz3d":'pyviz3d_output')
        pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(new_pcd_colors)

viz_motions(laser_scan_pcd, motion_types, motion_dirs, motion_origins, motion_viz_orients, motion_labels=None)

Visualize point cloud masks.


Name Type Description Default
laser_scan_pcd PointCloud

The original point cloud to be visualized.

motion_types list of str

A list where each element represents the motion type. Motion type can be either "trans" for translational motions or "rot" for rotational motions.

motion_dirs list of np.array

A list where each element represents the motion direction.

motion_origins list of np.array

A list where each element represents the motion origin.

motion_viz_orients list of str

A list where each element represents the motion orientation. Motion orientation can be either "inwards" or "outwards".

motion_labels list of str

Labels for each mask to be used with Pyviz3D.



Type Description

The function visualizes the point cloud masks and does not return any value.

Source code in scenefun3d/utils/
def viz_motions(laser_scan_pcd, motion_types, motion_dirs, motion_origins, motion_viz_orients, motion_labels = None):
    Visualize point cloud masks.

        laser_scan_pcd (open3d.geometry.PointCloud): The original point cloud to be visualized.
        motion_types (list of str): A list where each element represents the motion type. Motion type can be either "trans" for translational motions or "rot" for rotational motions.
        motion_dirs (list of np.array): A list where each element represents the motion direction.
        motion_origins (list of np.array): A list where each element represents the motion origin.
        motion_viz_orients (list of str): A list where each element represents the motion orientation. Motion orientation can be either "inwards" or "outwards".
        motion_labels (list of str, optional): Labels for each mask to be used with Pyviz3D.

        (None): The function visualizes the point cloud masks and does not return any value.
    pcd = copy.deepcopy(laser_scan_pcd)
    if not pcd.has_normals():
        pcd = pc_estimate_normals(pcd, radius = 0.1, max_nn = 50)

    # center the point cloud
    pcd_points = np.array(pcd.points) 
    pcd_mean = np.mean(pcd_points, axis=0)
    pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pcd_points - pcd_mean)

    v = viz.Visualizer()
    v.add_points('RGB Color', np.array(pcd.points), np.array(pcd.colors)*255., np.array(pcd.normals), point_size=8, visible=False)

    pcd_colors = np.array(pcd.colors) 
    new_pcd_colors = np.ones((pcd_colors.shape))*0+ (0.77, 0.77, 0.77)

    if motion_labels is not None:
        motion_labels = [f"{motion_labels[i]}_{i}" for i in range(len(motion_labels))]
        motion_labels = [f"motion_{i}" for i in range(len(motion_types))]

    v.add_points('Background Color', np.array(pcd.points), new_pcd_colors*255., np.array(pcd.normals), point_size=8, alpha=.8, visible=True)

    COLOR_MAP = list(SCANNET_COLOR_MAP_200.values())
    for idx, (m_type, m_dir, m_origin, m_orient, m_label) in \
        enumerate(zip(motion_types, motion_dirs, motion_origins, motion_viz_orients, motion_labels)):

        cur_color = np.array(COLOR_MAP[idx % len(COLOR_MAP)]) / 255.
            np.array(m_origin - pcd_mean), 